August 14th, 2016

This weekend’s Big Bang Convention was a blast! I think this is one of the most fun conventions I’ve ever been to. There was a lot of stuff to do, such as playing various video games or board games (hot tip for you: “Drachenhort”, super fun game! If you didn’t have the chance to play, but wanna try it some time, save the date for HeldenCon in Marchtrenk!), wandering through the artist alley on the second floor, Karaoke (Thanks to my singing buddy Sir Coconut! And sorry for stealing parts of you costume again XD), shopping at the merchandise dealers or the local shops (The convention center was the mall SCW, which was really useful: need a hairpin for your wig? No problem, just buy one on the spot!) or enjoying the amazing main programm! The technics was great, such a smooth process, you left nothing to worry about! Many thanks for everybody who showed up to my panel, I hope you could catch something useful out of this wall of information! XD If you have any questions you can ask me anytime, just write a message!
Altogether thank you so much Big Bang Convention for having me, you guys rocked the convention scene, until next time!
For now I’m on vacation in Bosnia, the internet here is a little bit slower than I am used to, but it’s ok, I’m a bit of a slowpoke myself XD
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