Hi! My Name is Sabine (“Sub-E-Nay”).
I am from a small town in Upper Austria. I live here with my husband, our two cats Midna and Ori and my arabian Baron de Sharah.

I’ve loved video games since I was a kid, also quickly got into anime and always had a thing for fantasy and horror movies. Besides cosplay I am also interested in photography, photo editing, digital painting and of course horseriding, specifically dressage and liberty work.
How I got into cosplay:
Well, this story is a bit longer.
Actually my first “cosplay” was Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon) when I was in elementary school for carneval, my mum had to sew it for me (she also sewed Sailor Mars for my sister).
I have been to my first convention when I was 14 years old, it was Connichi in Kassel back in 2005. A few friends from an Inu Yasha online board persuaded me to a fan meet up and also talked me into a Naruto Cosplay group. And again my mum had to sew a costume for me, this time it was Sakura (Naruto).
Years passed and I didn’t go to any event until my sister invited me and my husband to AniNite in Vienna in 2011. Time was short I always thought, that making costumes yourself is voodoo, so back then I bought an Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) costume.
We had so much fun that we decided, that we wanted to go to Connichi again and we did so in 2012. But something happend on the last day of the convention, when we visited one last panel before we were headed home – armor making with Kamui Cosplay. I didn’t have a clue of anything at that time, let alone who Kamui Cosplay was. But this changed my life and the next year I wore my first selfmade costume to Connichi, Jaina Proudmoore (World Of Warcraft).

When things got serious:
Cosplay became a huge part of my life in 2016, I am working on new costumes at a regular base now and visit a bunch of conventions per year. My husband supports me every second, he helps me put on my costumes, accompanys me as my cosplay handler and even does photoshoots with me. My second partner in crime is my sister who supports me in any way she can, helps me with my management and also does photoshoots.
This is what I’m aiming for in cosplay:
Accuracy. The thing is I’m really bad at creating own designs. Although I have always had creative hobbies, I never could come up with original content. That’s why cosplay is perfect for me, I don’t have to design myself, I just have to mimic an existing design into a reallife costume. This can be a pretty challenging process as many costumes from videogames or anime are not bound to our physics and yet you have to manage to somehow overcome those boundaries.
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